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Adding Reports and Gauges to Your Homepage

Number of views : 23
Article Number : KB0016241
Published on : 2024-01-29
Last modified : 2024-04-24 21:44:02
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

As a fulfiller, you have the ability to add any report you have access to on any of your homepages as a gauge! To do this:

1. Note the name of the report you want to add to your homepage and the table it was built on. (You can find this by navigating to Reports > View/Run and selecting or searching for the report.)

2. Make sure you are viewing the homepage you want to add the report to. You can toggle between homepages using the dropdown menu at the top of the screen.

3. Once you're on the desired homepage, click the Add Content button on the top left corner of your homepage.

4. From the popup menu, navigate to Reports in the left column. In the middle column, select the Table the report was run on. From the right column, select the Name of the report. Click any of the Add Here buttons to place the report on your homepage accordingly.


5. Add more reports to your homepage if desired, or click the X in the top right corner of the popup to exit.





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