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What Are the Storage Limits?

Number of views : 15
Article Number : KB0012532
Published on : 2023-12-11
Last modified : 2023-12-11 16:19:17
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Storage Limits

  • Tier 1 - 2,000 GB maximum per virtual disk
  • Tier 2 - 4,000 GB maximum per virtual disk

UT-VMG administrator approval is required once total storage for a VM (Tier 1, Tier 2) exceeds 4,100 GB. There is a limit of six virtual disks per VM.


UT-VMG offers two tiers of storage. Tier 1 is all-flash (SSDs) while Tier 2 uses flash-fronted, slower SATA disks.

On the virtual infrastructure side, datastores are the file systems on which the VMs' virtual disks are stored.

Currently, Tier 1 datastores are 2.5 TB and Tier 2 datastores are 5 TB. We cap space utilization of these datastores at 80% to allow for overhead (primarily VM snapshot usage) and that determines the virtual disk limits. Limits are set on the basis of estimated I/O requirements, average virtual disk sizes, and limiting failure domains. All of these limits are indented to meet the majority of customers' needs for frictionless self-provisioning while providing a well-performing shared environment.

If You Need More Storage

Virtual disks can be concatenated at the OS level to make larger volumes. Make sure you understand the risks, benefits, and operational details of your OS's disk concatenation features.

If OS-level disk concatenation is not appropriate for your application, please open a ticket and the UT-VMG team ( will go over your requirements and determine if they can be met.

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