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Registering Red Hat Hosts

Number of views : 31
Article Number : KB0011095
Published on : 2022-06-27
Last modified : 2022-06-27 16:32:59
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

The procedure to register a system is as follows:

  1. Download the Campus Satellite registration script for Red Hat 6,7 & 8: wget .
  2. Run script: ./
  3. The script will ask for Activation Keys and a location. Only a group key and location is required. Enter the case sensitive activation key: 3-Campus-Updates and the location as Campus.
  4. It will also ask if you want to update your system. The default is NO, however it is recommended that you allow it to update your system.


The Group Activation Key for anyone to use is 3-Campus-Updates and the location is Campus. The key and location are case sensitive. It will allow you to receive updates for your version of Red Hat. The Campus Satellite (RHNS) also maintains updates for the following Red Hat channels and other repos which are automatically available upon registration.

  • RHEL Tools
  • RHEL Optional
  • RHEL Supplementary
  • EPEL
  • Shibboleth (RHEL Server x64 only)


Note: If your department has been provided a group within Satellite (and Web console access), you will be given the Group Activation Key and ocation for your department. Use that GAK in the registration script in place of the 3-Campus-Updates and the assigned location instead of the default Campus location.


Script ERROR after running registration


"Error setting permissions for configuration management. Please ensure that the activation key subscribes the system to the tools channel and yum updates rhncfg-actions."


If there was a problem during registration, do the following to ensure you are registered properly:

  1. Check the file /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf, and make sure that enabled  = 1.
  2. Run the registration script again. The error should be gone.
  3. Run the command 'yum clean all' and then 'yum repolist'. There should be a list of repos that the system will be able to receive updates from.




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