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Configure Network Teaming: LACP on Windows - Intel

Number of views : 57
Article Number : KB0012573
Published on : 2021-07-13
Last modified : 2021-07-13 17:49:26
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Contact Networking-UDC:

Submit a work order in Footprints (assigned to Networking-UDC) so they can ensure things are prepared on their side for the system to take advantage of teaming.
They will need to run/connect a network line to the additional NIC(s), and configure the ports on the switch for LACP.

Provide the following information in the work order:

  • System Name
  • VLAN
  • Which NICs you want teamed together
Network Teaming with Intel NICs:


You should perform this process using a DRAC or while connected to a network connection that will not be part of the new team.  When the virtual NIC is created for the new Team, it will not have a static TCP/IP configuration, so you will not be able to access it through this netowrk connection unless there is a DHCP reservation for it to obtain an IP address.

The Intel advanced driver software can be used to create a Team when at least one of the NICs will be an Intel NIC.

  1. Install the Intel NIC driver.Ensure the "Advanced Network Services" option is selected, as this provides support for teaming.
  2. Go to the Device Manager.
  3. Right-click one of the NICs that will be used on the Team and select Properties.
  4. Select the Teaming tab.
  5. Select the Team with other adapters radio button. Click the New Team button.
  6. The New Team Wizard will appear. Specify a name for the team. Click Next.
  7. Select the adapters to include in the team. Click Next.
  8. Select IEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation as the Team type. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish and the team will be created and configured.
  10. The Teaming tab will show the team you just created.To review/modify the team settings, you can return to here, select the appropriate team and click the properties button.
  11. A new virtual NIC for the Team will appear in Network Connections. Configure TCP/IP for it as you would any other connection. 

1. The Teaming tab does not appear in the NIC Properties window:

  • Verify the "Advanced Network Services" are installed with the driver (Go to Add/Remove Programs, modify installation of Intel drivers, ensure "Advanced Network Services" is checked.)
  • Older drivers do not have the advanced features bundled with them, so you will have to install Intel ProSet seperately.  Ensure the advanced features are seelcted for installation with Intel Proset.
  • In addition, some older NICs / versions of Intel ProSet do not integrate with Device Manager, but have their own application that you can launch from the system tray.  See instructions here.
  • Verify the WMI service is running.
  • If you are accessing the server using RDP, ensure you are connected to the console session.
  • Uninstall and reinstall drivers.
  • Ensure iSCSI / iSCSI rmeote boot is disabled. 




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