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Setting Up and Managing Green Output (Default eReports Folder)

Number of views : 61
Article Number : KB0011323
Published on : 2021-07-15
Last modified : 2021-07-15 17:57:54
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

How to generate your eReports folder on Austin Disk

Note: This only pertains to users who are generating reports (documents) from within a Mainframe application such as DEFINE

Steps: From within a Mainframe application:

  1. Generate a document (Report, Voucher, etc.). This will auto-generate the eReports creation process. Folder creation should be complete within 2-3 minutes form document submission.
  2.  "Access Permission" will be automatically set on your eReports folder at the top of the hour following initial document submission. Please Note that this only pertains to the initial ducment.
  3.  At one minute past the top of the hour, your eReports folder should be live and ready for you to access
  4. Access Path:

Working Remotely and routing Mainframe Output to the Green Output Service

The office of accounting has provided information on handling documents while working remotely. ITS took that information and added screen shots. Please follow the link below to view. Note: if working with the following documents; VP1, VP2, VP3, VpE, VP7, VP9, VPT, VE3, VT6, VJ3, and VJ5 Green Output Activation is not required. Just remember to select the option "Mark here to send copy of the document to Green Output" within the document -(follow the link below and select "Payment Document Cover Sheet to PDF to see detailed instructions.

Routing Mainframe Output while working remotely

When your output is sent to Green Output, it will be placed in an eReports folder on Austin Disk within a sub-folder named with your EID. It will have a 1GB quota. Once your GO access has been activated,your eReports folder will be auto-generated when you submit your next Mainframe report. Green Output is available at no cost to individuals who need batch reports from the Mainframe or Web. In fact, using Green Output will reduce your paper printing costs. 

  Account Set Up for Green Output - Mainframe

Due to service updates, Green Output is now "Activated" by default when a USER ID is created. You can check/verify that GO has been activated for your USER ID by doing the following from within DPUSER on the Mainframe:

  1. Input UP in the Command line
  2. Input your Mainframe USER ID in the USER ID/Dept field (your USER ID is displayed at the top of your COM-PASS screen)
  3. Press Enter to view your "User Profile"
  4. If you see the letter W as seen in the image below, GO is active for your ID

If GO is not currently "Active" for your ID, you can request that it be "Activated" by filling our and submitting this form. You will receive an email notification from ITS once your GO access has been activated.

  You can also contact the UT Service Desk at 475-9400 (Hours)

Note: The folder will be created with your initial Green Output request, it may take up to an hour for the permissions to be applied allowing the EID holder to access the folder.

Non-Mainframe Documentation & Green Output

Green Output can be used with non-mainframe report data as well. To establish your eReports folder, submit an initial report to begin the creation process. Wait until one minute after the top of the hour after submitting the initial report before attempting to access your eReports folder. That wait time is required to allow the setting of the one-time access permissions on the folder. 

  Connecting via Windows 10

1. Click the Windows key + E to open a File Explorer window

2. In he "Quick Access" pan on the left, select "This PC"

3.Point to the "Map Network Drive" icon and click the down arrow and select "Map Network Drive

4. Specify a Drive letter - use next available drive

5. In the Folder box input: substituting your EID where you see EID - 

6. Select reconnect at sign-in 

7. Click Finish


 Connecting to Austin Disk Services eReports Folder (Mac)

  1. Press Command + K
  2. In the Connect to Server box enter (substituting your EID where you see EID)
  3. Click Connect
  4. Enter EID and EID password
  5. Click Connect

 Connecting via a Web Browser

  1. Open web browser, enter the following URL, with your UT EID at the end of the line: Replace eid with your UT EID.
  2. When prompted for your user name and password, enter your UT EID and password.

Deleting Files from the eReports Folder

Note: You cannot delete files via a web browser, so you must connect via Windows or 
OS X. If you need to keep a file, consider moving it to a local folder or backup location. Recovery of deleted files can be done via Windows SMB please see Recovering Files in Austin Disk Services for details. Keep in mind that backups on Austin Disk occur 3 times a day and are only retained for 2 weeks.

Note: When removing (deleting files) the change in your quota should be reflected nearly immediately. Occasionally quotas will fail to automatically update. If you encounter this, please contact the UT Service Desk (475-9400) for assistance.


To delete a file, access your eReports folder as outlined in the Connecting to Austin Disk Services eReports Folder (Windows) section. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select the file or files you wish to delete.
  2. Right-click for options.
  3. Select Delete from the menu.
  4. A Delete File confirmation box should appear prompting if you are sure you want to permanently delete the file.
  5. Click on Yes.


To delete a file, access your eReports folder as outlined in the Connecting to Austin Disk Services eReports Folder (Mac) section. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select the file or files you wish to delete.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow on the Tasks button.
  3. Select Move to Trash.
  4. You will be prompted if you are sure you want to delete the file or files.
  5. Click Delete.

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