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How Do I Get Anti-Virus Software?

Number of views : 26
Article Number : KB0011016
Published on : 2020-01-17
Last modified : 2020-01-17 13:38:07
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help


Immunet (PC)

For personally owned computers, the free online Immunet anti-virus software is recommended.

Download at


Sophos & Avast (Mac)

For personally owned Mac computers, the free online Sophos or Avast anti-virus software is recommended.

Download Sophos at

Download Avast at:


Faculty and Staff

ITS provides anti-virus protection for Windows and Mac machines owned by the University of Texas at Austin. Please contact your Technical Support Contact (TSC) for help setting up your computer.


Cisco AMP (PC | Mac | Linux | iOS | Android)

Cisco AMP can be used on university-owned systems at no cost. AMP is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android operating systems. The Information Security Office considers AMP one of the most effective malware protection tools on the market and has seen marked improvement from campus units that have deployed it.

For more information please see Cisco AMP - Advanced Malware Protection.




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