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Notifications Matrix for Request and Incident

Number of views : 5
Article Number : KB0014718
Published on : 2021-04-29
Last modified : 2021-04-29 13:38:22
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

Listed below are the triggers for automatic email notifications from ServiceNow, separated by Request and Incident.

All possible recipients of each notification are listed, but this may vary depending on things such as who made a particular update (i.e., if Assigned To updates task comments, they will not receive a notification; but they would if the update was made by someone else) and whether or not there are users on the Watchlist and Work Notes list.

Please Note: Users have the ability to turn off certain notifications in the system. If a user has altered their notifications preferences, they may not receive all the notifications listed below based on their personal settings.

Action Notification To
Request Item Commented Requested For, Assignment Group, Watchlist
Catalog Task Commented Requested For, Assigned To, Watchlist
Catalog Task Commented (Assigned To empty) Assignment Group, Watchlist
Request Completed Requested For, Opened By, Watchlist
Catalog Task Worknotes  Assigned To, Work Notes List
Catalog Task Worknotes (Assigned To empty) Assignment Group, Work Notes List
Task Assigned to Group Assignment Group
Task Assigned to Assigned To
Request Closed Autoreply Anyone who responds to closed Request 

Incident Notifications

Action Notification To
Incident Commented in Worknotes Assigned To, Work Notes List
Incident Commented in Worknotes (Assigned To empty) Assignment Group, Work Notes List
Incident Assigned to Group Assignment Group
Incident Assigned Assigned To
Private Incident Resolved Requested By, Watchlist
Incident Resolved Requested By, Requested For, Watchlist
Incident Closed Autoreply Anyone who responds to closed Incident
Incident Opened Requested By, Requested For, Watchlist
Private Incident Opened Requested By, Watchlist
Incident Commented Requested By, Requested For, Watchlist
Incident Commented by Requested By Assigned To, Watchlist
Incident Commented by Requested By (Assigned To empty) Assignment Group, Watchlist
Private Incident Commented Requested By, Watchlist
Incident Closed Autoreply Anyone who responds to closed Incident

The Autoreply for closed incidents or requests is sent to any user who replies to an email notification associated with a closed incident or request. The content of the notification informs the user that the ticket in question has been closed and that they need to contact the Service Desk/departmental support if they need additional assistance.

Please Note: 
Any updates to Additional Comments on Incident, RITM, or Task will be sent to the customer. If a fulfiller comments on a Task that the Task has been completed, this may be a source of confusion to the customer if their Request included multiple RITMs or Tasks. In this scenario, they receive notification that something is complete, but there are other parts of their Request that are still open. 

It is recommended that notes along the lines of "this task is completed" on RITMs and Tasks are tracked in Work Notes rather than Additional Comments to prevent customer confusion.

The customer will automatically receive a notification when all RITMs and Tasks tied to their Request are completed.

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