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Employee UT ID Cards

Number of views : 6
Article Number : KB0011350
Published on : 2020-06-11
Last modified : 2020-06-11 16:59:43
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Students, faculty, staff, and retirees are automatically eligible for ID cards.

If your faculty or staff member has never had an ID card, please have them visit the ID Center to obtain their first ID card.

If your faculty or staff member does not have a new UT ID card (with building access privileges), please have them visit the ID Center to trade their old ID card for a newer ID card. If they do not have their old ID card due to loss or theft, they may be assessed a replacement charge.


University Affiliates (including Official Visitors)

Sponsoring departments may request a UT ID card for university affiliates. The request must be included in the assignment in Workday and the sponsor must agree to cover the costs of the card. (Note: Affiliate must have all appropriate ID card privileges in Workday as well before they are able to acquire an ID card.)

 How do I add privileges to a worker in Workday?

Note: Employees do not need to have privileges proactively added to their jobs. They will automatically be fully privileged upon completion of the associated business process in Workday. 



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