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MFA: Remember Me: Can Duo remember me so that I don't have to use it every time I sign on?

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0018312
Published on : 2021-08-31
Last modified : 2021-08-31 19:26:23
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Duo - Remember Me for 30 Days from FAS Communications on Vimeo.

Yes, in many cases, Duo can be configured to remember you.

If available, click the "Remember me for 30 days" option on the MFA Sign On screen to activate this feature.

Note that this feature is linked to your browser and the specific service you are using to sign on.

Important: Remember Me should only be used with a device you own or that is assigned only to you. Never use the feature on public or shared devices.

It won't be available for all services (e.g., UT VPN) and certain browser configurations (e.g., blocking 3rd party cookies) may cause it not to work.

Regardless, it will greatly reduce the number of times you need to use MFA to sign on.

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