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Contacts: Triaging Contacts from Inbound Email

Number of views : 10
Article Number : KB0017181
Published on : 2021-04-22
Last modified : 2021-04-22 19:46:18
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

If your group has set up Inbound Emails to create Contacts, you'll first want to create a Homepage widget for them so that you can begin Triaging your Contacts.

1. From your Homepage, Select 'Add content'

2. Select the My Group's Unassigned Contacts from the Call Reports

This report will show all active Contacts that are assigned to particular group's queue (grouped by Assignment Group), but have yet to be assigned to an agent. 

Upon opening an Unassigned Contact, You will need to assign it to an agent. If you will be working the Contact, then you will assign it to yourself. You will also be able to transfer the contact into a Incident, Request or Status Call via 'Ticket Type' in the Contact Form.

*You will notice other options as well. These other options are available for cases that might not warrant the creation of an Incident or Request. 

When Transferring a Contact into an Incident from the Contact Form, select Incident as 'Ticket Type' and assign it to yourself or another agent and select Update. Selecting Update will take you into the Incident the Contact was transferred to. All information in fields will carry over. Work Notes in the Contact (content from the body of the inbound email) will appear as a Work Note entry once transferred to an Incident.

*Note that when you assign someone to a Contact, you are just assigning them to that Contact and not the ticket type you transfer the Contact to

When Transferring a Contact into a Request from the Contact Form, select Request as 'Ticket Type' and assign yourself or another agent. You will also need to attach a 'Request Item' for the transfer. When searching for Catalog Items, using * in your search will find all Catalog Items with the text entered.

If you do not have a specific Service Catalog Item in mind or would like to assign to a specific assignment group, you can use the 'Generic Service Catalog Request' item. Selecting Update will take you to the Service Catalog Item's Order Form. Work Notes in the Contact (content from the body of the inbound email) will appear in the Additional Comments field in 'Requester Details' once transferred to a Request.

*Note that when you assign someone to a Contact, you are just assigning them to that Contact and not the ticket type you transfer the Contact to

Once the required fields have been filled in, Select Order Now. You will now see the Requested Item for the Request and can begin working in any RITMs or associated TASKs upon selecting the Requested Item (Underlined in the image below).

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