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Report Sharing and Collaboration

Number of views : 22
Article Number : KB0016404
Published on : 2021-04-23
Last modified : 2021-04-23 16:13:23
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

When you create a report, you have the ability to share it with other users and/or assignment groups.

To do so, make sure the report is saved. Then click the arrow next to the Save button and select Sharing.

Under Visible To in the pop-up, select the option for Groups and Users. You can share the report with any assignment group are a member of, or any individual user(s). Begin typing the assignment group name or individual's name or EID in the appropriate box and a dropdown with related selections will appear.

Please note that the individual search is looking for names as they are listed in TED, which sometimes include middle names or initials. EID is often the easiest way to search accurately.

Once you have added the desired users/groups, click Close to exit the dropdown menu.

Finally, Click save on the report. Changes to sharing settings will not be reflected until the report has been saved.

Now users who you have shared the report with can view and edit it under their Group reports tab. Be aware that any edits made will be reflected in the original report, so do not share reports with users if you are concerned about unauthorized updates being made.

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