URL Scanning and Rewriting for Email Links
Safe Links
By default, Safe Links URL scanning and rewriting is performed on all email originating from outside our Exchange infrastructure. Safe Links scanning protects our organization from malicious links that are used in phishing and other attacks.
If Safe Links is interfering with the functionality a service (for example, consumes a one-time URL), contact the UT Service Desk at (512) 475-9400 or help@its.utexas.edu and provide a copy of email containing the link.
The University also uses a feature that scans URLs in incoming email and matches them against a reputation database. If the URL is identified as suspicious or malicious, it may be rewritten to first pass through Cisco's secure web proxy. For example:
Original URL: http://www.ihaveabadreputation.com/
Altered URL: http://secure-web.cisco.com/1S1h_Cy8Q_Oh-5N7AuDE0CgXvAUfWU4AKBjGdC6KJqVQ5OKyLFEHYVQZKL6csJCsYoHtn3F6qvjtjm_XYBgZTg3Eif9GHAlv401-6GBe4d-4WbeSzfuntprpClbfR3vofVedWgoMnOi02UxBriIohuhuWoXix0hHSHnTYoUV_IEZCGYP692qMqr9HDIr0ltv7Rt8TtHNpD4e7HNTmbryNvcaVsdqkDHoO2GbfxTMMduywVB_wGPmq9sbHkld-LapEwBPsCMVWVsdPyDd5-cbYdJYcn-rM904Nd9UzMOovItIp_7j6OBoZirvmSpvgXGDwXpUnHJCpdR4w-ff_FSTmowDDw-iODM-mY_8taFLbBFOkObv6NwBeo9KuYX8Gs624LnLA6UjgCqI-3gO04m4TBkBzfivHfFZurLaDNJGG6R4odLXkyVDd2T2e0uHF4QBQjhQykasd5-UG7g-c8M7Lvssa97-2VOG32ui2ey_Vn2BqipZWsXbhDw28mugJZMJX5xAtXDAtDVKklIcvfBLSlg/http://www.ihaveabadreputation.com/
Clicking on the altered link allows the Cisco secure web proxy to examine the destination at the moment you click it. If the destination is suspicious or malicious, then the proxy will alert you to this fact and give you the option not to proceed.
If you have any questions regarding URL filtering or believe that URLs in incoming email are being rewritten in error, please contact the UT Service Desk at (512) 475-9400 or help@its.utexas.edu.