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Unable to see DEV restricted self-help documentation

Number of views : 18
Article Number : KB0015801
Published on : 2021-05-04
Last modified : 2024-04-24 21:50:43
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help


The DEV entitlement is required to access a significant portion of the EID, TED, TIM, etc. documentation in ServiceNow, Wikis, etc. 

If you are receiving an error when attempting to access this documentation, it is likely because you do not meet the conditions for a DEV entitlement. 

If you would like to request a DEV entitlement, you can request it here:

Service Desk staff can verify if a user has a DEV entitlement using the ServiceNow user info  popup window or the EID admin tool.


Additional information:

The DEV entitlement is given to people who meet any of the following conditions:

  1. Membership in the Apollo group TX_DEV_GROUP – Request here:
  2. Active Natural library programmer authorization in DPUSER (an AG record that hasn’t expired)
  3. Active Unix directory programmer authorization in DPUSER (an XG record that hasn’t expired)

In some cases adding a DEV entitlement to a UT-EID is a "near-real-time" granting of access. In other cases it requires an overnight wait. For example to view the secured parts of the ITS web site ( the EID must be added to a file on that server. This is done via an overnight automated process that makes sure all UT-EIDs with DEV entitlements are included.

NOTE: If the person needing the DEV entitlement is a contractor and not an employee of the University, then they will have to pass the employee audit in order to request TX_DEV_GROUP membership. In order to grant temporary employee status, request/grant the user access in the T4_CONTRACTORS group in Apollo. Once this status is granted, you can request/grant membership to TX_DEV_GROUP so the user can access developer documentation, etc.

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