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Incidents: Disabling Incident Notifications

Number of views : 9
Article Number : KB0015458
Published on : 2021-04-26
Last modified : 2021-04-26 13:10:20
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

Fulfillers have the ability to disable notifications to the Requested By and/or Requested For users on an incident. This can be used to limit unnecessary communication to customers.

The disable buttons are located on the Notes tab of the Incident form. There is a checkbox to Disable Requested By Notification and a checkbox to Disable Requested For Notification.

Once checked, the indicated user(s) will not receive any email notifications for updates to the notes, assignment, or status of the incident until the box is unchecked. This gives fulfillers the ability to disable a single notification, or to leave notifications off for the entire life of the incident ticket.

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