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Incidents: Creating an Incident

Number of views : 321
Article Number : KB0015062
Published on : 2021-05-04
Last modified : 2024-04-24 21:51:18
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

1. Navigate to IncidentCreate New. A blank Incident form will open.

2. Review the Customer Contact portion of the Incident form. By default, the logged in user's information will populate the Requested By and Requested For fields. In most cases, this will need to be overwritten with the customer's information rather than the fulfiller.

User searches can be done by Name or EID. Hover over the  to view additional user contact information and verify the correct user is entered in the Incident form.

  • Requested By indicates the individual who contacted you regarding the Incident. This person is usually the main point of contact for updates on the Incident.
  • Requested For indicates the individual whose service is impacted by the Incident.
  • Location refers to the physical location of the issue. In some cases this matches the Requested For's office location data in TED, which is what auto-fills. If the actual issue is occurring in a classroom, conference room, etc; this field can be overwritten with the appropriate location.
  • Contact Method indicates how the customer initially contacted you for assistance.
  • Alternate Phone can be used if the user has a preferred phone number that is different from the phone number tied to their profile in TED.
  • Special User Contact Information can be used to indicate the best times/dates/methods of contacting the customer.

3. Enter a Short Description for the incident, including a brief summary of the issue.

Please note that information begins populating in the Related Search Results as you type. This list includes knowledge articles and service catalog items that may be relevant to the issue based off keywords in your Short Description. You can click Preview to view the articles and catalog items. Once the Incident is saved, you can also Attach Knowledge Articles to the Additional Comments field.

4. In the Notes tab on the Incident form, enter your customer-visible comments in the Additional Comments field. Enter internal comments in the Work Notes field.

5. In the Incident Classification tab, select the Affected CI if applicable.

Enter the appropriate Category and Subcategory for the Incident.

Select Impact and Urgency (use Incident Priority Matrix and SLAs for reference).

Select the appropriate Assignment Group and Assignee. Click  to assign the Incident to yourself.  Use the Related Links to assign the Incident based on CI, Department, or Location.

6. If applicable, use the Related Records tab to link the Incident to a Parent Incident.

7. If you used a knowledge article beyond the results of the Related Search Results, use the Related Knowledge Articles tab to attach the article to the incident.

8. Click Save. This will generate a notification to the customer that their incident has been created.

At this point you can also access the Attach button for Related Search Records if you would like to automatically attach knowledge article content in the customer-facing Additional Comments

8a. Change the State of the Incident from New to the appropriate state:

Assigned - Assigned/escalated to another team or individual

Work In Progress - Current assignee is investigating the issue

Pending Customer - Fulfiller is awaiting additional information from the customer

Resolved - Issue is resolved pending customer confirmation.

Click Save.

8b. If the Incident is marked as Resolved, there are additional fields to complete before saving.

Additional Comments including Resolution information for the customer

Close Notes including internal only closure information

Close Code indicating the type of closure.

You may also select the following options upon closure:

  • Knowledge will create a knowledge article based on the content of your Incident and submit it to Knowledge Managers for review.
  • Root Cause Analysis will flag an Incident for future root cause analysis (can be used in reporting).
  • FCR will flag an Incident as First Call Resolvable. This should be used if an incident was escalated despite being first call resolvable.


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