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Information Icon

Number of views : 6
Article Number : KB0014904
Published on : 2021-05-03
Last modified : 2021-05-03 17:23:54
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

Many fields can be viewed from list view without opening the form (i.e. incident, request item, knowledge article). Note: fields within the information icon pop-up cannot be changed/edited, only viewed or copied.

Viewing & Copying/Pasting with the Information Icon 

The information icon can be used to quickly view and copy/paste fields. To do this, scroll to the left of the item in a list view (or wherever there is an information icon), hover over the icon with your mouse. To copy information from this field, hover over the information icon with your mouse then press and hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard; you can then copy desired field information using your mouse.

Example of fields that can be viewed while hovering over the information icon:

Opening Info Pop-Up in a New Window

From a list view, move your cursor near the button for the field you would like to view. Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard, then move your cursor over the  icon. This will open the popup in a new window. This feature will allow you to see expanded content - for example, the entire RITM or Task rather than the preview provided when hovering.

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