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IT Alerts and Outages Process

Number of views : 34
Article Number : KB0014219
Published on : 2021-04-27
Last modified : 2021-04-27 16:00:09
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

IT Alerts Process

This article is intended for the following audiences:

Service Contact - The service owner or technical support contact for the service.

UDC Operators Group

UT Service Desk Group


In order to create and manage outages, one must be assigned the “outage_manager” role in in ServiceNow. If you are in a group that requires this role and do not have it in ServiceNow, please contact your manager.

Service Contact

  1. Identify an issue
  2. Send email to ITS Problems

UDC Operators/Service Desk

Create Incident in ServiceNow

To create a new incident, type “create new” into the search bar

Select Create New under Incident


The requester information should be filled out at the top of the form, as well as the short description of the incident.  Mandatory fields are marked with *fill out all mandatory fields.

Incident classification fields are at the bottom of the form.  Mandatory fields are marked with * fill out all mandatory fields.

If the configuration item is known, for example: Office 365 Suite, please identify the configuration item.  If the configuration item is unknown,
please use the Generic Business Service configuration item in the Affected CI field. 

Configuration Item Selection Guidelines

Many services have multiple CIs associated with them. For example, UTLogin is available as a Service Offering CI, and a Business Service CI. If you see multiple CIs listed for the impacted service, always select the Service Offering if it is available. If not, select the Business Service.  

Click Submit. A new open Incident will appear under My Open Tickets on your service now page.

Create Outage incident in ServiceNow

To create an Outage from an Incident in ServiceNow, select the Incident from My Open Tickets. 

Right click on the gray bar at the top of the Incident form and select Create Outage.

Fill in all required fields marked with *

To make the outage public, check the public checkbox.

Click Update to create the outage and return to the incident.

Click Save to create the outage and remain on the Outage page.

A public alert is created in ServiceNow, end users will be able to see the outage from the page. ServiceNow will display the Impacted Service name and the Alert/Outage Type.  The IT@UT Website displays the description entered within the Outage in ServiceNow and the time of the last update.



Announce posting to ITS Problems

Service Contact

Send issue update to ITS Problems

UDC Operators/Service Desk

To Update Outage in ServiceNow, navigate to the bottom of the Incident page and select the outage

 Update the Latest Update field

Click Update

The public ServiceNow alert is updated.

Send a snippet or screen shot of the alerts page in the email to ITS Problems in order to provide an easy review and update of the posting to recipients and senior management.


Service Contact

Announce issue resolution to ITS Problems

UDC Operators/Service Desk

Resolve outage in ServiceNow

To resolve an outage, select your outage from the incident page

Set a Resolution time 

End date will auto fill

Click Update.

Click Resolve Incident on the Incident page.

The Incident is resolved.

Within 24 hours from the resolution date, the outage will no longer appear on the self-service portal.

Announce update to ITS Problems

Once an issue is resolved and an end date and time are noted, ServiceNow will check the end date and time, close the Outage, and remove the public alert at the noted time.

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