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Article Number : KB0012527
Published on : 2020-11-18
Last modified : 2020-11-18 13:45:50
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

How much do VMs cost?

VMs provisioned in the UT - Virtual Machine Gateway (UT-VMG) service have the same rates as UT - Virtual (UT-V or “classic”). See the UT-VMG Service Page and the cost estimator for more information.

When are VMs billed?

UT-VMG is billed at the beginning of each month for the prior month’s usage.

How are VM charges calculated?

Each day, charges for a VM are calculated and stored out to a large number of decimal places. If a VM gets deleted, there’s no charge that day. If a VM’s specifications increase one day, that day and subsequent days will have correspondingly higher charge. At the beginning of each month, the prior month’s daily utilization is totaled and the IDT account number on file for the VM is charged. If an IDT account number for a VM is updated mid-month, the charges will be split between the days it was on the original account number and the days it was on the new account (unless a separate request is made to charge the whole month to the new account). If backups are enabled on the VM after it was created, the one-time license fee will be charged the following month.

The formula for daily charges is:

(MemoryGBs * MemoryGBPricePerYear + Tier1StorageGBs * T1StorageGBPricePerYear + Tier2StorageGBs * T2StorageGBPricePerYear + BackupStorageGBs * BackupStorageGBPricePerYear) / DaysInYear

For a VM with the following specs:


VM attribute
Memory 4GB
Tier 1 Storage 50GB
Tier 2 Storage 100GB
Backup Storage (sum of Tier 1 and Tier 2) 150GB


That results in the following:

( 4GB * $67 + 50GB * $1.15 + 100GB * $0.15 + 150GB * $0.20) / 365 = $1.0151

In a month with 30 days, this VM would be billed $30.45 (rounded to the nearest cent). The yearly cost in a non leap year would be $370.50 (extra cent due to rounding to the nearest cent each month of the year). 


How do I update the IDT account number?

UT-VMG VM owners may directly update account numbers, see Updating VM Attributes. For UT-V "Classic" or if you need to back-date the change to earlier in the month, please contact the UT Service Desk and provide the new account number, the names of the VMs to update, and the date the change should take effect. The start date can be any time in the current month (even in the past) since UT-VMG billing is done monthly.

If account numbers need to be changed further back than the current month, the service team can help calculate what should be credited and debited from each account although may be quicker and easier for the department owning the accounts to transfer funds directly between the accounts in question. If requested, the service team may issue refunds to the original account and charge the new account.






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