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Using Email Commands to Manage Mailing Lists

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0012221
Published on : 2021-05-26
Last modified : 2021-05-26 21:07:10
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Although the Web is the most commonly used interface for using UT Lists, you can also send commands to UT Lists using email.

Subscribing to a List Using Email

To subscribe your address to a list using email, send a message to and put the following message in the subject line:

    sub LISTNAME

Be sure to substitute the name of the list you're subscribing to for LISTNAME.

Note: not all mailing lists allow subscription by email.

Inviting Someone to Subscribe to Your List Using Email

To invite someone to a list you own using email, send a message to and put the following message in the subject line:


Be sure to substitute the name of your list for LISTNAME, and substitute the email address of the person you want to subscribe for ADDRESS.

Note: You must send this command from an email address that is an owner of the list in question.

Adding Someone to Your List Using Email

To add someone to a list you own using email, send a message to and put the following message in the subject line:


Be sure to substitute the name of your list for LISTNAME, and substitute the email address of the person you want to subscribe for ADDRESS.

Note: You must send this email command from an email address that is a list owner.

Getting a List of Email Commands

To retrieve a list of email commands for UT Lists, send a message to and put the following message in the subject line:


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