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Provisioning a VM - Initial login password

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Article Number : KB0011592
Published on : 2021-04-29
Last modified : 2021-04-29 20:57:40
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Initial login password for new VMs provisioned in UT-VMG

After filling out the Request Machine form - see Provisioning VMs


If the VM does not require approvals to proceed, the service will begin provisioning the VM.

Once the VM is provisioned successfully an e-mail will be sent to the email address specified in the Your Email: field of the form...

Subject: VM Creation Request for

UTVMG automated VM notification

VM Created
IP Address: 172.17.65.xx
Subnet Mask:
You can retrieve your Admin account credentials at the following link using the EID you supplied with your provisioning request.
The entry name format is BusinessGroupName:VMName
Admin Account Credentials:
VM Cost Estimator:
VM DNS entry requested. Allow 12 hours for DNS entries to be updated. In the interim, SSH/RDP to the VM using the IP address above.
To manage your virtual machine please use
vCenter access is available via

At that point you can SSH/RDP (depending on VM OS type) to the IP address given in the email message with the username/password provided in the Stache link.

NOTE: For RHEL VMs provisioned from our template you will be forced to change the root password on first login with those credentials. It is highly recommended that this is done over SSH, as the console has a timeout. 

For Windows VMs you should change the administrator password yourself during the initial login session.

Once you've logged into your VM you may proceed with any other initialization that is required for your environment, e.g.

  • RHEL: Register VM with UT Campus Satellite server
  • Windows: Join to an appropriate Active Directory Domain
  • etc...

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