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Using The Infoblox Grid Manager Interface

Number of views : 6
Article Number : KB0011356
Published on : 2019-03-11
Last modified : 2019-03-11 15:59:31
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Accessing Infoblox

The Infoblox web console may be accessed using most web-browsers. You can access the Infoblox Grid Manager via the following link/URL: Infoblox Grid Manager


The Infoblox GUI provides an interface that should be easy to navigate. In addition, online documentation is available by clicking on the Help tab.

Once a DNS administrator has logged into the Grid Manager, the Dashboard is presented by default. The Dashboard presents administrators with the six most commonly used IPAM tasks as seen in the example below.

  • NOTE: Performing tasks, such as creating Host or CNAME records, is much more intuitive after drilling down to a specific DNS zone rather than launching the task from the Dashboard.

Data Management - DNS Tabs

Opening the Data Management tab and then the DNS tab will present UT DNS zone administrators with the GUI where most tasks will be performed.

DNS zone administrators should become comfortable with the tasks presented in this section of the GUI. The descriptions presented for each section within the GUI are self-explanatory.

A few items to take note of are:

  • Bookmarks can cut navigation time down extensively in an organization the size UT (example below).. In the image below, a couple of other useful items have been singled out.

  • The Recycle Bin can be used to recover items (such as Host, A and PTR records) that have been deleted and only for items that have been deleted. Changes to existing records will not be available in the Recycle Bin. Note that the Recycle Bin is not static. When IPAM device are upgraded/rebooted, the Recycle Bin is cleared.

  • An Infoblox profile setting called Table Size can be used to increase the number of objects visible in tabs such as Zones. If a DNS administrator's Table Size has not been increased, objects are listed over several pages. Do not overlook the Page Navigation buttons to navigate between pages.

  • NOTE: The Zones tab is where most tasks will be executed.

Page Navigation Buttons - Increasing Table Size

Within the Infoblox GUI, Table Size determines how many objects are displayed in a window. Follow these steps to increase your table size:

  1. After logging in to the Infoblox GUI, click on the Profile drop down menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Select Profile and the User Profile windows will appear.
  3. Change the Table Size value to your preference.

Using Global Search

A quick and easy shortcut to locating resources within Infoblox is the Global Search feature. In the following example, a search for the DNS zone is initiated.

  1. After logging into Grid Manager Click on the Search button located in the upper right corner of the webpage.
  2. In the Search window that opens, select the Advanced tab (optional).
  3. Key in the desired search string.
  4. Select parameters from the Type, Equals and All drop down boxes.
  5. Click the Search button and review results. 

Locating Your DNS Zone

Until a DNS administrator is familiar with the Grid Manager GUI, locating responsible DNS zones can be challenging. The following tips will speed up the process of locating specific DNS zone files.

Using The Filter Option:

Using the filter option, administrators can navigate directly to zone file by their FQDN (or part of it) in combination with the Quick Filter. For this example, we will locate the the zone. To do this:

  1. Under Data Management the Filter option is available in the IPAM, DHCP, or File Distribution tabs. Click on Show Filter to display the Filter drop down box.
  2. In the Choose Operator drop-down box, select begins with.
  3. Type "ans" (without quotes) in the final field.
  4. Click the Apply button to the right and any results will appear in the bottom pain as seen below.

  • NOTE: Administrators new to the Infoblox GUI often hide the filter but forget to turn the filter off. With the filter still "on" in the background objects outside of the filter parameters cannot be seen. Remember to turn off the filter once you have found objects.

Creating A Bookmark

DNS administrators can create bookmarks to the DNS zones they are responsible for maintaining to avoid repeatedly drilling down through multiple DNS zones and sub-zones. Continuing with the example:

  1. Mouse-over and click This will drill down into the DNS zone information.
  2. Click on the Bookmark icon near the top of the Zones tab.
  3. To the left, expand the Bookmarks drop-down and you will see the newly created bookmark.
  4. Note that the bookmark contains the path to the zone file- Default\ This can become unreadable if you drilling down into sub-zones. Luckily, you can edit the bookmark and rename it:
    1. Mouse-over the newly created bookmark and click on the pencil icon.
    2. Rename the zone file (in our example) to ANS Zone.

  • NOTE: Notice that there are no records visible in the image above. Be advised that when drilling down into DNS zones, the GUI will often drop the end user on the Subzones tab rather than the Records tab. If there are no sub-zones it looks like the DNS zone has no records. Always remember to click on the Records tab to view records for a DNS zone.




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