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University ID Cards

Number of views : 2
Article Number : KB0011353
Published on : 2022-05-02
Last modified : 2022-05-02 15:53:17
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

The ID Card contains a photograph and information about the card holder:

  • In written form
  • In a magnetic stripe
  • On a barcode
  • On an integrated microchip (Proximity card)

The card is used for:

  • Identity verification
  • Matching a person to their electronic records
  • Resident dorm access
  • Dining halls
  • Off-campus merchants (Bevopay)
  • Rec Sports Membership
  • Campus copiers
  • General libraries
  • Metro transit
  • Athletic events
  • General merchant discounts for students/staff
  • Virtual ID
  • Building Access Control System (BACS)

ID Card Photo

The ID card photo, all information on the ID card and the ID card itself are the property of The University of Texas at Austin. The photos are the property of the university and may not be used for any other purposes, such as your personal Web page. Reproduction and/or redistribution of the information on the ID card is prohibited.

16-Digit ID Card Number on ID Cards

The 16-Digit ID Card Number on the face of the ID card is considered a confidential identifier and considered Confidential data. This information is not to be revealed or shared by anyone for any reason. See the Extended List of Confidential Data for more information.

Where ID Card Information Comes From

University Employees

  • Information comes from employee systems including:

    • Workday 

    • Payroll

University Student

  • Information comes from the Office of the Registrar

Note: University Affiliates will receive the "Univ Aff" designation and Official Visitors will receive the "Visitor" designation.

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